Good clibers for f class open, advice please



Looking at 6.5x284, any other recommendations?
Also what is the best reloading equipment buy, need a basic listof reloading supplies, thanks.
Quite a few guys at Bodines, PA (myself included) using the 6.5x55. With RL22, you can drive the 139-142gr bullets at 2950fps.

With RL22, you can drive the 139-142gr bullets at 2950fps.
Sounds like you're punishing the brass. How many grains of RL22?
Sounds like you're punishing the brass. How many grains of RL22?

Not really. Brass is Lapua, and I'm at 5 or 6 reloads to date with no sign of loose primer pockets, etc. Norma brass, on the other hand, does not hold up well at all. I believe my RL22 load with the 142SMK is 48.0gr. My current load uses 47.4gr of N160 to drive the 139gr Lapua Scenar at 2925fps.

I shoot the 6.5x55 as well, and am getting 2940 from H4831 SC with no pressure signs, and currently 1700rds down the tube with only the first signs of barrel erosion.

My first "F" class rifle, I barreled in 6.5x55 and I still think it is a great choice. I'm not sure it would still be my first choice though. Here are the ones I think are good choices in the bores sizes which are most popular.
The 22BR
The 22-250
The 220 Swift
I believe it was JJ Conway who shot very well indeed with a 22-250.
6BR. Included here would be the BRX, the Dasher and other variations on the theme. I think this might be the Best choice for most people. Some feel they are challenged at 1000 yds but mostly it's the shooters who are challenged at 1000!
6.5x57- I think this might be a little better choice than the 6.5x55 just because I like longer necks and it has one.
260 Remington
6.5-284- A popular chambering but one which is a little hard on barrels and not demonstrably more accurate than any others.
6.5-06- likewise a little hard on the barrel but it can shoot with the others.
7x57- I have not tried one for "F" class but I think it would be a solid performer.
.284 Winchester- better than it's 6.5 offspring.
280 Remington and 7x64Brenneke- They make good accurate hunting rifles and should be fine in this venue as well.
308- The 308 is probably the most accurate big game cartridge ever. No other cartridge meant for big game hunting can approach the level of accuracy required for short range BR. The 308 can.
7.5x55 - Just enough extra to add confidence at 1000.
30-06- 200 grain bullets at 2750 are starting to generate a little too much recoil for me but others might be fine with it..
300WSM- see above.
Right now, my most accurate "F" class rifle is a 308. Second is a 6BRX. Third a 6.5x55. I have a 22-250 awaiting testing. The 308 is the most serious rifle which probably accounts for it's placing. The 6.5 is a nice example of a 1960's tech target rifle which may account for it's placing. I've done some good shooting with all of them and am convinced the rifle is more important than the cartridge. Regards, Bill
Have shot the .30-06 as well in F Class. With 60.7gr of RL22, I am able to get 2900fps out of the 190SMK. Shoots well, but not as easy on the shoulder as the 6.5x55.


I dont post here much, but since my favorite was left off the list I just had to add it.
6-6.5x47 Lapua running 115bergers at 3120 using 42gr of VV560. It is easy to form brass from 6.5x47 brass, uses small primer pockets and is as accurate as anything out there. I have nearly 2500 rounds through my first one and it still is very competitive in 600yd F-class. My second 6x47 is just getting broke in with 300 rounds and it is showing lots of promise.
I compete with a 6.5 Mystic which is my version of the 260AI w/ a 40deg shoulder. Formed using 308 brass.

With H4831SC, I can push a 139gr Lapua comfortably to 2900fps (max is just under 3000fps but very hard on brass). Will use a bit less powder then the Swede but essentially identical performance.

My brass has been shot over 20times and pockets are still tight.

Works for me.

Bill, I've enjoyed your post

If you didn't list everything you'r not too far from it. But seriously what do you shoot in the .308W?

Shoot well
I use 4895 and 168's at 300 meters right now. Although the Sierras give me an occasional flier, they will usually stay right around 1/4 moa at 300M. I'm wanting to find a 155 that shoots as well but am not quite there yet. Lapua 154's show promise. In another barrel (faster twist) I shoot 200's but, again, am still searching for the perfect combo. At the short ranges (600M and under) the 168 is still a fine bullet. If a 308 won't shoot with 4895 and 168's, the rifle is no good and you might as well rebarrel!
A good deal of the allure of "F" class is the opportunity to try all sorts of different cartridges and loads. In truth, any cartridge which will get a decent bullet to 1000 yds confortably is a good "F" class round. Regards, Bill.
I use 4895 and 168's at 300 meters right now. Although the Sierras give me an occasional flier, they will usually stay right around 1/4 moa at 300M. I'm wanting to find a 155 that shoots as well but am not quite there yet. Lapua 154's show promise. In another barrel (faster twist) I shoot 200's but, again, am still searching for the perfect combo. At the short ranges (600M and under) the 168 is still a fine bullet. If a 308 won't shoot with 4895 and 168's, the rifle is no good and you might as well rebarrel!
A good deal of the allure of "F" class is the opportunity to try all sorts of different cartridges and loads. In truth, any cartridge which will get a decent bullet to 1000 yds confortably is a good "F" class round. Regards, Bill.

I have lots of half boxes of .308 bullets in my search of the holy grail in .308. I have never found a better bullet than the 168 SMK for my .308.

The 155 Scenar and 155 VLD will both produce groups, ALMOST, I mean very close to as good, when you get the powder and seating depth right. This is still a work in progress to me, but I am now focusing on the VLD moly coated, and I think I'm going to get there. I may even rechamber my rifle with a shorter freebore, just for them, because I think I'm running out of neck.

Don't Let Them Lead You Astray

The US F-Class team will be using 6.5-284 (again). As Larry Bartholome says "it gets the job done". Despite its brilliant record in F-Class, it continues to be under-rated - that's fine by me - less 6.5-284s in the field makes it easier for those of us who use them! :D

I don't have any intention to shoot in any competitions, but my most accurate .308W bullet was/is 190HornadyHP/Varget/28"/10"/2650fps. Best groups 30-40mm/300metres. Best ever an accident one hole group at 610metres for three shots. It was nothing, but one bullet hole. Just a pure accident as I was only emptying a magazine and was aiming at something that if I've missed the target it would have created a visuable cloud of dust. Three bullets, no dust, one bullet hole. So the curiosity got the better of me and few quick cuts with a chainsaw and all three bullets were found. I was aiming carelessly and if I've shot only a 15" group I wouldn't been surprised.

Shoot well
Despite its brilliant record in F-Class, it continues to be under-rated - that's fine by me - less 6.5-284s in the field makes it easier for those of us who use them!
I'll second that! My 6.5x284 is rolling along at 2950 fps with zero pressure signs no matter what the temperature is. However, I know one guy with a 6.5-06 that is providing me with plenty of challenges.
Who Me?:D

Terry and I have shot together for five years now. Are you out on the rig or sitting at home?

I am at sea, and they are angry as well. Not as angry as my wife though, for buying 5 barrels and 5 reamers, and another lathe. They will never understand, even her, with a unlimited chief engineers license, still lacks that Y chromosome. I told her "but honey, you can use the lathe too" that was a mistake.....

Now Ben,

She probably feels alienated by being replaced by the lathe. If she could only see that it's an investment for the future.

When you get the time, go to my website, and check out the powder coating section. I just shipped a new rest to a guy and photos are there. the metal flake in the gold pieces got washed out in the flash but it's really pretty.
