Gonna be shootin, hollerin, sex with reptiles, liberal trashin, loud body emissions.

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
Just a reminder to all of you good folks running from the Russian mob, dodging child support payments for other species children, hiding from Predator drone attacks and otherwise looking for an excuse to get out of town; here is the perfect solution. Come to Denton, Texas this weekend. There will be four guns at 200 yards. This is the perfect tune up for the NBRSA nationals. It will be warm, dry, probably windy with a chance of rattlesnakes. As an added bonus match director Jerry Stiller has promised to model the new hot pink Stiller Precision Rifles line of thong underwear. Better bring a pair of polarizing sunglasses as this just might sear your retinas. Tim
I see the meds. didn't kick in yet.
All keep an eye on him if he gets loose there is no telling what will happen.
Keep all small animals and small children inside tomorrow and Sunday.....