We had four shooters at Gold City's first AGBR match. The weather left a lot to be desired. Switchy gusty winds forecast up to 20mph. Spits of rain a few times during the day. We got started about 1:00 and finished about 3:30. Other than one target frame getting blown over and the newbie match director being a bit lost at times [ FM ??? whassat
] everything went well and all the shooters are ready to do it again next month if it's not too rough weather wise. Particular notice should be given to Jon Oswald's score with what is basically a squirrel hunting rig.
Gold CityRimfire Club
3 Targets 11/15/08 Unlimited
Match1 Target 1
Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Ray Brooks 1 232 1 Daystate CRX JSB 177
Jon Oswald 2 228 1 FX Tarantula JSB 22
David Kirby 3 225 2 AA S400 JSB 177
Ed Horne 4 224 1 BSA SuperTen Kodiaks 177
Match1 Target 2
Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Jon Oswald 1 240 1
Ray Brooks 2 239 2
David Kirby 3 231 2
Ed Horne 4 225 1
Match1 Target 3
Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Ray Brooks 1 243 1
Jon Oswald 2 242 3
David Kirby 3 230 0
Ed Horne 4 221 0
3 Targets Agg
Name Place Score X's FM
Ray Brooks 1 714 4 232
Jon Oswald 2 710 5 228
David Kirby 3 686 4 225
Ed Horne 4 670 2 224
Gold CityRimfire Club
3 Targets 11/15/08 Unlimited
Match1 Target 1
Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Ray Brooks 1 232 1 Daystate CRX JSB 177
Jon Oswald 2 228 1 FX Tarantula JSB 22
David Kirby 3 225 2 AA S400 JSB 177
Ed Horne 4 224 1 BSA SuperTen Kodiaks 177
Match1 Target 2
Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Jon Oswald 1 240 1
Ray Brooks 2 239 2
David Kirby 3 231 2
Ed Horne 4 225 1
Match1 Target 3
Name Place Score X's FM Action Barrel Ammo
Ray Brooks 1 243 1
Jon Oswald 2 242 3
David Kirby 3 230 0
Ed Horne 4 221 0
3 Targets Agg
Name Place Score X's FM
Ray Brooks 1 714 4 232
Jon Oswald 2 710 5 228
David Kirby 3 686 4 225
Ed Horne 4 670 2 224