Runnin' Along
I’ve never been to the Super Shoot. Last year, I often thought of going but didn’t go. Over the past several weeks, I’ve been back-and-forth many times on whether to go this year. The main issues are the time and expense of going. Recognizing that: (1) I don’t expect to be anywhere near the top of the pack; (2) I’ve already experienced the "thrill" of being beaten by some of the “big boys”; and (3) I can shoot other matches closer to home and in fewer days, I wonder, “What is the attraction of going?” I guess it’s to see the “show” – kind of like a kid wanting to go to the fair. I’ve flip-flopped on this decision more than any other decision I can recall. If I go I’m sure I’ll have fun and look back at it with fond memories; if I don’t I’ll save money and maybe spend my time productively – but I’ll probably always wonder what it would be like to see the show.