Global warming? Not!


Jay Idaho

Got up at 5:30 this morning, temp was 34º. Snowed from about 7 a.m. until 10 a.m. Most of it has melted, now.
Only 11 days until Summer!

Jay, Moscow, Idaho
Got up at 5:30 this morning, temp was 34º. Snowed from about 7 a.m. until 10 a.m. Most of it has melted, now.
Only 11 days until Summer!

Jay, Moscow, Idaho

Wow, 34 huh?

Come on down to sunny south Georgia. It was in the 90's before lunch and the thermometer is showing 95 now. Would be higher but got a little cloud cover at the moment.
100 right now....

.....heading out for a scrimage in an hour. Can't imagine what the heat index is. Hate the summer time down here.

I'm ready for November and a campfire can keep the 34. Anything under 40 and this South TX boy is COLD!!

Night time temperatures here are in the low 40's. Day time, it get up to the low 60's.

The answer is clear, Al Gore's global warming went on vacation.

To Al Gore: You can go too.;)
Here in the banana belt of Montana it was 34° on our outside thermometer at 0645 this morning. Did a job on the tomato plant my wife had on the deck. No snow though because we ARE in the banana belt.... :eek::D:D
About 4 inches of snow in Whitefish (well outside the banana belt!) but just rain in Eureka. Not too warm though.
Just spoke to my mother -in-law (Potlatch, Idaho) and she told me of the snow there. First time she can recall having snow in June and she grew up in Pierce.
My daughter (Ft Drum NY) complained of the heat and humidity. Said it felt like she was back at Ft Rucker. I told to wait a few days and she might get what we have now. At least I hope so; I'm tired of it. Regards, Bill.
About 4 inches of snow in Whitefish (well outside the banana belt!) but just rain in Eureka. Not too warm though.
Just spoke to my mother -in-law (Potlatch, Idaho) and she told me of the snow there. First time she can recall having snow in June and she grew up in Pierce.
My daughter (Ft Drum NY) complained of the heat and humidity. Said it felt like she was back at Ft Rucker. I told to wait a few days and she might get what we have now. At least I hope so; I'm tired of it. Regards, Bill.

I thing the consensus in Georgia is that we would happily trade you for a few days.
Night time temperatures here are in the low 40's. Day time, it get up to the low 60's.

The answer is clear, Al Gore's global warming went on vacation.

To Al Gore: You can go too.;)

One of the prime symptoms of global warming is extremes! Checked the reports on flooding and drought lately. I hope those who say there is no Global Warming are right, but allot of bright people disagree.
One of the prime symptoms of global warming is extremes! Checked the reports on flooding and drought lately. I hope those who say there is no Global Warming are right, but allot of bright people disagree.

I call bull. They sure weren't predicting "extremes" years ago when this whole circus began. Its extremely nice how originally they predicted only warming, then "revised" their prediction to also include a decade of cooling AFTER seven years of the decade of cooling passed. They don't have any clue....
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My take on Global Warming is this: Did man kind cause the Little Ice Age that killed a third of the worlds population through famine, disease, etc... Well the answer is NO. So what caused it? History shows continueous (some more extreme than others) changes in weather patterns. I do think mankind can aggrevate but by a very small amount. As far as a lot of bright people...well they brought us asbestos, poisons, and many many things that have been found to be dangerous to people. Heck, no one can argue that Hitler and Stalin wasn't bright. It's usually those who think their smater than everyone else, that you should keep your eyes on and question the most.

What's even more worrying is that the "extremes" aren't really extremes, but within normal variability of climate. Most people can't remember what the climate was like more than 20 or 30 years ago, and then only really cold and stormy winters or summers or hot and dry summers. Climate records for most of the North and South American continents are pretty recent things. Where I live has only had "official" records kept for about the past 70 years which is only a small fraction of the time that people have occupied the area - maybe 14 or 15 thousand years.

The predictions for global warming are all based on computer models which for climate don't work very well at all. They're wonderful things for engineering problems, but for climate they're a lot like me throwing darts at a dartboard. Not too hot.
These same 'smart people'......

.....just KNOW for certain the earth is billions of years old but we've only been keeping records for 100 years?? OK, I'll double it to 200 years just to cover the obvious.....even if we had records for 500 years, they have no 'PROOF' what has been going on before that time.

Give me a break.....I bet dinasaur farts created more global warming than SUV's.

The entire weather scam has it's origins on a 1970's computer model, at a time when the hippie movement was on the wain. That is the source for all of these NEW LIES FOR OLD. Remember when the earth day celebrations started? Look at the platforms. Did they have a goal? Refer to photos of the people that were early on involved in the movement. Are any around today from the start? They built a business out of nothing, today they cash in. Decades of propaganda, it worked for Hitler, it is working for them today.

I feel the name of the GREEN MOVEMENT was wrong from the start, better named the TOTALITARN MOVEMENT.