Get Well cards


Club Coordinator
From time to time we all have been approached to sign a card for a fellow shooter who has fallen ill and we usually just sign it and keep on going.

I was at the Crawfish about 13 years ago, the last Crawfish that was held, I think, when I had the temerity to have an occlusion in my left vertebral artery. I was quickly diagnosed by Dr. George Beck, the EMT's were summoned and I was transported to Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Lafayette, LA.

When I got to the hospital I could not move a muscle but I fully understood everything that was happening and could communicate with the doctors by blinking once for 'yes' and twice for 'no'. Billy Stevens followed the ambulance to the ER and talked to the doctor. I was given a shot of a new drug, TPA, or more commonly called 'clot buster'. In an hour I was moving and talking.

Someone, I'm sure it was Ed Watson because he usually did it, got a Get Well card, passed it around and so many shooters signed it. Many shooters who are no longer with us, Eunice Berger and Alvin Davidson just to name two.

I just got the card out and read it again for the umpteenth time and just wanted to let all of you know that it is one my most treasured items. Thanks to all of you who signed it.

So, if another card is passed around try to do your best to sign it. You'll never know just how special they can be to the recipients. The Crawfish was one of my very first matches that I attended in 1989. I followed Eunice Berger not knowing who she was, only that she was a nice person.

Memories can be a wonderful thing, especially when they are filled with people as great as benchrest shooters.

Thanks, again, guys.