Gene Beggs



I'm trying to contact Gene Beggs to order some 220 Beggs dies. I sent an email to him but no response. Does anyone know his contact details. Thanks in advance

i just tried to send an email and it's coming back undeliverable for me also.

hmmmmmm,, beats me guys. I'm getting e-mail from others.

If doesn't work, call me tomorrow on my cell phone. 432-631-5124.

Many people try to spell my name with an 'i' instead of 'e'. Be sure you're spelling it Beggs not Biggs.
That causes a problem sometimes.


Gene Beggs
Gene, I copied and pasted your email and still no good. Could you send an email to rossandjodiewaugh See if that works.
It's bouncing my emails to Gene as well.

Gene - The 220 Beggs die arrived safe and sound. Payment is already in the mail box. Thank you for being so responsive and easy to work with.

Greg Jennings