Gaulin actions?


New member
Anyone here have any info on Gaulin actions?

Got a shooting buddy that was looking at one but none of us have ever heard of one before.

He said it has gaulin titan 100 on it.

He also says it has a tiny bolt handle and isnt sure if its original or not .

So does anyone have any info or pictures of one?

The Gaulins were a Canadian family (brothers, I believe) that ran the Canadian firm Armtech and were very involved in Canadian BR shooting.

Gaulin actions were titanium and designated 'Gaulin TiT' followed by the serial number. I suspect it says: Gaulin TiT in, serial number 100.

This is from memory as I handled a couple of their actions some time ago.

Hope this helps. -Al
I have see but one

Gaulin Ti action. A fellow shooter here in Maine had one when I first started shooting in the 80s. It was a nice shooter as I recall but it was a bit sticky in operation(compared with a Panda or Bat or most with a steel bolt), but VERY light. I think it was a very close tolerance action.

The company(Armtec as Al mentioned) was/is located in Sherbrooke PQ Canada. Not sure if they are still around. There are a few shooters from PQ that come to Maine and Vermont. I can ask them the next time I cross paths with them. Not really sure what their status is today. I think the owners name was Francis Gaulin, but not really sure.
Gaulin Ti action. A fellow shooter here in Maine had one when I first started shooting in the 80s. It was a nice shooter as I recall but it was a bit sticky in operation(compared with a Panda or Bat or most with a steel bolt), but VERY light. I think it was a very close tolerance action.

The company(Armtec as Al mentioned) was/is located in Sherbrooke PQ Canada. Not sure if they are still around. There are a few shooters from PQ that come to Maine and Vermont. I can ask them the next time I cross paths with them. Not really sure what their status is today. I think the owners name was Francis Gaulin, but not really sure.

I did find out they are no longer in businesses due to health reasons.

I would like to find a couple pictures of one.