Gateway Rifle & Pistol Club. 8/01 Results



Gateway Rifle & Pistol Club. 8/01 Results - Jacksonville, Fla.

IR 50/50 yards match results for Saturday 8/01/2009

We had a great shoot yesterday with several high scores.
There were 8 competitors in sporter, 9 shooting 10.5 & 13.5, and 7 in the unlimited class.

Conditions were hot with a zero to a light switching breeze.
With our daily afternoon thunderstorms, we have standing water on the range.
This causes very interesting flag and tail dancing during no-wind conditions, due to the thermals.

Bill Smith shot his first 250 and came very close to doing it 4 times in a day.

Tom and Brenda Aldridge are shooting their first season we us, and have been practicing a lot, Wow! Look at their scores.

David Hanna is our newest and only junior shooter (10 year old) is on his second match. He has just switch from a standard rest to an adjustable Fudd rest and was getting familiar with its operation. We are looking for a used speed-screw for it; if anyone has one they can part with, please let me know.

Thanks to the range masters Bill and Don, the target crew Brenda, Ron, and David, and all who helped with target frames. Next month don’t forget your water boots.

1) Bob Pekaar 247-18X
2) Tom Aldridge 247-10X
3) Bill Smith 246 -12X
4) Ron Barr 242 - 6X
5) Don Hawkins 241-10X
6) Steve Hanna 241 - 9X
7) Brenda Aldridge 241 - 7X
8) David Hanna 228 - 2X

10.5 lb.
1) Bill Smith 249 -19X
2) Tom Aldridge 249-10X
3) Ron Barr 249 - 7X
4) Bob Pekaar 248-16X
5) Bill Dampier 248-11X
6) Brenda Aldridge 247-9X
7) Don Hawkins 245-13X
8) Steve Hanna 245-9X
9) David Hanna 215-3X

13.5 lb.
1) Bob Pekaar 250-19X
2) Bill Smith 250 -17X
3) Steve Hanna 248-12X
4) Tom Aldridge 248-9X
5) Bill Dampier 247-8X
6) Brenda Aldridge 246-15X
7) Ron Barr 244 - 3X
8) Don Hawkins 243-6X
9) David Hanna 229-2X

Unlimited #1
1) Bill Smith 249 -18X
2) Steve Hanna 246-11X
3) Ron Barr 246 -11X
4) Don Hawkins 245-12X
5) Tom Aldridge 245-11X
6) Brenda Aldridge 242-5X
7) David Hanna 239-9X

Unlimited #2
1) Steve Hanna 250-14X
2) Bill Smith 249 -16X
3) Tom Aldridge 249-14X
4) Brenda Aldridge 246-7X
5) Ron Barr 242 -9X
6) Don Hawkins 242-7X
7) David Hanna 215-0X

Unlimited #3
1) Tom Aldridge 249-10X
2) Bill Smith 248 -13X
3) Brenda Aldridge 248-11X
4) Steve Hanna 248-11X
5) Don Hawkins 243-8X
6) Ron Barr 243 -7X
7) David Hanna 228-1X

Stephen Hanna
That's great shooting and thanx for posting the results. It's nice to see reports from across the country.


Your old bud Turboman
Bob, I see you didn't have any problems seeing to shoot that sporter! Great shooting all around. Bill, great shooting by you! Glad to see you guys do so well! Congrats to all the rest. Gateway is a fun range to shoot! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Steve

Thank you Steve for getting the results posted so quickly!!

cataract lens inplant complications

Bob, I see you didn't have any problems seeing to shoot that sporter! Great shooting all around. Bill, great shooting by you! Glad to see you guys do so well! Congrats to all the rest. Gateway is a fun range to shoot! Keep up the good work!
Kent, my optometrist was treating me for "dry eye". Saw my opthamologist and he found a significant amount of scar tissue over growing the implanted lens- we did laser surgery and you see the results. I would warn any shooter that has had cataract surgery and deteriorating vision, to have that lens looked at. Even 20-/30 vision will prevent you from using a 6 power scope.
See ya' in Bristol
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Bob, glad to see it has improved. I know it was causing you big problems at the regionals a while back. You said it, with a sporter and 6X scope, seeing is everything! You must have loaned Bill some good ammo from the scores he's shooting! Glad to see it! You guys keep hammerin', and I'll see you soon.
Wee Willy

Looks like your head was on Fire and your A___ was catching! That's the best I ever, now you can't slack up.
"Seeing" is over rated

I saw a guy shooting beer bottles...blind folded. I asked him how he did it and he said......"You don't have to see them you just have to know where they are".
Wind Flags

What flags were you using?
Butch, I used the three Australian windflags I got from you in conjunction with 5 Wick flags. When there was doubt I shot off the Australian flags. My X count over the years has averaged 12, but as you can see, these jumped up to 18. I really like them, They are the most sensitive flags I've seen, but you have to get used to them. The vane and prop are much more sensitive so you have to relearn some things. I replaced my Wick tails with those black tails from Sinclair and they are more sensitive than the Australian tails, so you have to be careful. Can you cut the Aussie tails down a bit as at some ranges they are very close to the ground. The best wind flag I've ever seen; now we have to talk about price, but I see from construction, they're tops and fit in a small box. Let me know when my other 3 come in. Seems Ron Mc Cormick did well with twice as many.
Bob Pekaar

I saw a guy shooting beer bottles...blind folded. I asked him how he did it and he said......"You don't have to see them you just have to know where they are".
Does the same hold for match results? ( Just a joke)
Resuts submission

Thanks to Steve Hanna for sending match results to Wilbur the way they should be sent- by computer using Doug's program and adding comments about the match. He abides by the IR 50/50 rules to the tee and loves to shoot with his son. My hat's off to him.