Gateway R&P Jax, Fl. Results

William Smith

New member
Weather was hot and muggy, winds mild, 6-8mph, but very very switchy, catching most of us shooters off guard more times than not. Lew Beaudrot edged out Bob Pekaar in Sporter with a 248 15 X count win, with a new shooter, Hugh McCombs taking third with a 247, 6X. Then came the leader of the "Valdosta",(Ga), "Mafia", Rich Hartnett, who gave us a lesson in 10.5 lb with a 247 12X win, and a 248 15X win in 13.5 lb. Hugh McCombs out X-ed Bob Pekaar and Lew Beaudrot with a 245 12X 2nd place in 10.5 and a 246 10X 2nd in 13.5. Bill Smith won the Unlimited with a 747, 40X agg. shooting the only 250 of the day. Richard P. Hartnett, our 11yr. old Jr. and member of the "Valdosta Mafia", won the 2nd target of the Unlimited with a 249 12X, putting us "old timers" on notice of things to come. Thumper