Gallatin TN UBR Match


Active member

Yesterday was a good day at the Gallatin Gun Club, but then a even a bad day of shooting is better than a good day at work. The weather was pretty much as we expected with the temps in the low 30's and winds beginning around 8-10 in the morning and ending up close to 20 mph. Snow came and went most of the day, but was a help in reading the wind that switched back and forth from a head wind to a NW right to left, most of the time with little warning.

We heated the clubhouse so that we had a warm place for lunch and hung a couple of tarps on the wind side of the end of the range shed. Then we set up a kerosene space heater which made a comfortable place to gather between relays. !0 shooters competed with fourteen rifles and considering the conditions, shot very well. Wayne McNeely and Kevin Keaton made the 2 1/2 hour drive from Knoxville in the early morning to join the regulars here and took home some wins. Wayne won the 100 yard Custom and Kevin took the Grand Agg in Custom. Good shooting guys. I've sent the results to Danny and he will probably get them posted on the web site in a few days.

Many thanks to those who came out and shot with us. The next UBR match will be at Buck Creek on March 16th and we'll do it again at Gallatin On April 6th. Come shoot with us.

Rick Fox
Gallatin Gun Club
To be candid, the wind was probably just about normal for Gallatin, maybe even a little better than normal. We had a good day and I never heard a complaint, but then, who would a person have complained to? It wasn't like anybody was forced to be there :)

The thanks go to you Rick.


Here's a pic of the day. Great shooting among dedicated shooters. See you all next month!