Gallatin Gun Club UBR 8 3 13


Active member
The Gallatin Gun Club held an Ultimate Benchrest match yesterday August 3rd. It was our best turnout of the season with 32 rifles competing in 4 Classes. Factory Class continues to grow with eleven competitors and out paced everything except Custom Class which had fifteen shooters. It was an interesting day beginning with the 200 yard match. To look at the conditions, one would think that a record match was in the cards, but the breezy winds and mirage made finding an "11" difficult while "9"s were easy to shoot.

The 100 yard match in the afternoon was much the same. The wind picked up and the switches were early and often. A few figured it out. John Kruzan took all the marbles in Factory Class shooting a 6PPC Sako with a Grand Agg of 495. Todd Hughes took the Grand in Custom with a fine 510 and Ron Jackson shot a 506 in Unlimited. Our next match at Gallatin will be on September 7th and will be the Tennessee State Championship. We will be shooting another UBR match at the Two Brother Range near Auburn KY on August 17th.

Rick Fox
Gallatin Gun Club