FYI Molly remover and brass polish


don carter

Awhile back someone asked about removing Molly. Today I was using some "Mothers" Mag and Aluminum Polish. I tested it on the a dirty brass with a Molly bullet seated in it. The brass got real shiny fast and then I saw that the Molly was gone from the bullet also. Might put some on a rag land tumble loose bullets??? The polish is about the consistency of womens face cream (don't ask how I know). Don
Maybe try tumbling moly bullets in a rotary tumbler with neverdull. When you open it up , you'll have to throw something away.
Hopefully its the cotton wadding.

I am quite curious about why one would want to go to the bother and polish projectiles. I can't envision that it would help accuracy.
With the exception being that of removing moly, I would not want to polish bullets. Actually, I like the idea of leaving
bullet lube on. I believe the original Remington Benchrest bullets came that way. I admit, I have never tested the idea,
I just kinda like it, and had some great shooting with bullets straight from the die.