Fun Shoot + Special events and options


Jr. Brooks

This is a proposal shoot to be held in May and limited to 64 shooters. For inquiries, please call 620-238-0732 and I will be happy to explain the format of the shoot
Hey Junior
Whats the secret? Where's the shoot going to be. Is it a money shoot? Whats the format? Tell the world and I suspect you'll get more shooters. Wanting 64 shooters is a pretty big shoot and is going to require a very special shoot. Field of Dreams? If you build it they will come!! Make it worthwhile and I'll be the first to Sign Up. Thanks Fred
P.S. What are the Options and Special Events? What targets will be shot?
Cadillac,Please call the number listed , but you can not be the first to sign up, some are ahead of you already, but it will be worth your while,and it will be at the Bar-B range Thank You
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Hey Junior
Whats the secret? Where's the shoot going to be. Is it a money shoot? Whats the format? Tell the world and I suspect you'll get more shooters. Wanting 64 shooters is a pretty big shoot and is going to require a very special shoot. Field of Dreams? If you build it they will come!! Make it worthwhile and I'll be the first to Sign Up. Thanks Fred
P.S. What are the Options and Special Events? What targets will be shot?

Thank you for getting on the list, I told you it would be worthwhile and thanks to all of you who are also on the list so far, this will be a good shoot and located well for most everyone