Fulgham Rest


Ray Hoffman

Does anyone have any experience with a rest made by Ken Fulgham of Randolph Machine? It is much like the old Sinclair rest with the windage adjustment in the rear. I would appreciate your comments.

They appear to be one of the nicest rests made. Some of the best rimfire shooters in the country use them.

Elevation is controlled with the large knob on top and is driven by a belt system.
my 2 cents

It is a great piece of engineering and the customer service is great.
But the vertical adjustment uses a belt drive and it takes a bit of getting used to at least for me. Originally I shot off a Sinclair rest with a Fudd top and speed screw and that type setup is very predictable being direct drive using screw-type gears? and when you turned the knob it always moved with no backlash and easy to hold off with a slight turn of the knob but the Randolph belt drive has been known to induce a very tiny amount of slack when you make small turns of the vertical knob back and forth.Sometimes you can turn the knob several degrees? back and forth and the top won't move. Ken did tell me it's worse when used on the lower range and since I elevated the rear bag (and hence the rest) as suggested it is much improved but I still have to pay attention to it- especially used on the lower range of adjustment.. A fellow shooter said he deals with it by always turning back past the aim point and then slowly working up the point of aim and that helps too.
This is a very small nit on an otherwise perfect piece of gear it's just something to watch if your used to a direct drive rest. The windage is a direct-screw adjustment and is smooth as silk. It is probably not any more accurate than a traditional rest just by physics alone but it is a pleasure to shoot from due to the position of the knobs and very fast to acqiure the target if running shots. The quality is really incredible.
I would try one before you buy if possible.
Where can I get some feet for Fulgham Rest?

Thanks, Bruce
I use 1 for 600 yard shooting i have used several and this is the best rest i have found