Front rest



I bought a bald eagle rest and 3 in. bag. The bag is to wide for my 64 Annie. I added a peace of 1/2 inch plastic 3in wide to front rail on on rifle, fits snug. ? Is how tight do I tighten the front bag ears. Mike
Rifles are like gals....

Some want to be held firmly...
Some like to be held light...
Or like mine... not at all !!!
You'll have to experiment with yours & she let you know what she likes����

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While my above post was meant to get a slight chuckle it is essentially true.
I would say that nobody has the rifles held "tight" in the front rest. They are all allowed to recoil to some extent.
I don't know how to gauge it other than resistance & that is what you'll need to experiment with.
I personally only want the bag to guide the rifle so it only barely touches it. And I mean barely. I like free recoil 99.9% of the time.
Other things you may want to try is the positioning of both a front stop for the fore end & the placement fore & aft with the rear bag. These two things will effect accuracy as well.
Another thing you may try is free recoil vs. applying slight pressure somewhere to the rifle. I use to think just allowing my shoulder to touch the butt made a rifle shoot better. It was still allowed to free recoil, just not as much. I've seen people put their thumb on the back of the trigger guard too. I like it better.
As was said before its all trial & error and what you & the rifle are getting the most consistent results with.
Good Luck,

If your 3 inch bag has the nylon top, it's pretty slick. I have mine touching the stock on both sides and it still slides almost like it's on ball bearings. My rest is a Bald Eagle slingshot model, cast iron.
If your 3 inch bag has the nylon top, it's pretty slick. I have mine touching the stock on both sides and it still slides almost like it's on ball bearings. My rest is a Bald Eagle slingshot model, cast iron.

I have the nylon top. I added a 3in. Plastic piece to ass. Rail on my annie helps a lot keeping it centered My rear bag is protector with the slick top. Now all I need to do is practice practice practice and more practice. Mike