front rest width/length



for too long, I have wanted to make a rest. several in fact...

heres the deal though.. I have some aluminum that I got dirt,dirt cheap. so it hurts to not use it.

the piece I have is 8" wide, and more than long enough (have to cut it). 1" thick, 2024 materail (cost was a $1 a pound) hehe.

soooo..... a base that is say 12" wide at front ((triangular-ish shape) and only (less than 8") at the foot from the front feet....

12"w x 8" deep. Stable enough ?

Or save the piece for something else and buy some 12"x12" x1" ($100+)

Already have all the other metals needed. (also $1 a pound - stainless rounds. lol) (hate me, I know)
either way they are both wider than my mill table, so that should be fun too.... :)
** found a deal on a 12x12x1 ** on the bay, could not pass it up...

so, thanks and everything , but "never mind" :D