Front Rest and rear Bag setup



Hello All,Thanks again for all of your help on my last two questions.I have one more problem. After fireing a shot and returning to battery my point of aim is four to five inches from the original point of aim.I think this is due to improper Rest -Bag -Rifle setup.
I have a Sinclair generation II front rest wih a Edgewood front bag,and a Edgewood Softy rear bag with a Skip Otto bag stabilizer,all are filled with the heavy black sand.
Any advice,tips,tricks,etc.will be most appericated,please keep in mind that I am new to Benchrest,so even the most basic things,I most likely don't know.Thanks again for your time and help.

How do you shoot the rifle? You may have a conflict between your shooting style and your rear bag.

I may be wrong, but it is my impression that a soft rear bag is primarily designed for a bag squeezer that shoulders, cheeks, and has his trigger hand on the rifle. If that is how you are shooting, and the front bag is adjusted so that you cannot feel the stock move as you push it side to side, just behind the front bag, I don't see how your POA could wander that much. On the other hand if you are shooting it free....maybe another bag would be better.
Just a small advise... get Mike Ratigan's book "Extreme Rifle Accuracy".
It would answer many, many- of your questions. It only costs a few $ (very inexpensive to my opinion) and you'd get a better understanding about BR, tips, tricks, why, what should do etc.
If you have good setup, even 1" (at 100yds) from the original poi is too much from my little experience....seb.

Hi Seb,
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Dan Batko