Front Rest Advice



Slowly getting into BR. Need a front rest and looking at Sinclair "Lightweight" or Caldwell "Rock BR." Sinclair no longer makes the GEN II rest and the "lightweight" is the only thing they offer. I confirmed this in a conversation with them yesterday. Any other suggestions appreciated.

Heavier is better

The heavier the better. It will absorb the vibrations better and not move around after each shot.

I would say it depends on your budget. Most at the range I shoot at use the Randolph rests. For me they are the best. However my budget wouldn't allow for one yet... I went with a D.R. Greenlaw "E" rest with his new windage adjustable top. It adjusts to different width stocks & has worked well. It allows me to only have one top. Dan is a great guy to deal with. builds a great rest, & has several options as far as budget is concerned. Worth a look anyhow. Hope this helps.