
Frod level

match was canceled last night but I think that they are shooting tonight and tomorrow.
I just heard that Joe Beshe won today with Fred Leeds in second, Charlie Scott third and Richard Gorham fourth. Phone was cutting out but it sounded like Joe was shooting Charlie's gun...don't hold me to that.
You are rite

Joe Besche won with a 2341 agg him and fred were close just 75 points apart Fred 2329 agg Charlie 2287 agg and then me 2279 Bob Cleveland 2225 agg thats the top 5,Joe was shooting Charlies or i mean his grandsons Nicholas Swindlehurst.
UHHH, Richard, would that be 5 for 5 of the top five if we were reading the "smith" column?

That would be correct 123457&11
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