Free floating a Remington 541-s

Hi Gang:

Should I free float the barrel on my 541-s to improve its accuracy? Right now, the barrel is very tight against the stock!

Has anybody done this and gotten better accuracy?


yes, we did it all the time, from about an inch in front of the receiver. Make sure you reseal barrel channel afterwards.
I have one

I purchased new in 1983 and I haven' and won't change a thing. With a single screw to hold the receiver I don't think free floating will help. Besides mine shoots too good to mess with. Max
you hit it on the's obivious that if it shoots well.. leave it alone...rule one page one..leave well enough alone
Added 2nd (rear) receiver screw too

Had mine bedded, vastly improved consistency...

Gunsmith added a second receiver screw at the rear, and then pillar bedded. Much happier as it is now extremely consistent, and know what to expect out of it.
have a brian Voelker 541 T match for sale in new classified..he slugged the crown..screwed the barrel to the action..trued action..match chamber..reworked the trigger..pilar & glass beded ..2nd action bolt..shoots w/ my anschutz...all at a price
The original or first series 541-S ( based on the 540x & xr) seldom required a lot of tweaking. The stocks would sometimes warp or twist requiring some work there and a slight tuning of the trigger. They were the preferred unit for hunter or sporter class silly-wet back in the day. They made the weight restriction right out of the box and generally shot extremely well. The second series units had god awful triggers (lawyer units not the same as the original) would sometimes shoot out of the box but generally required a fair amount of work to make them satisfactory. Basicly Rem. took the 581 and dressed it up a bit and hung the 54x moniker on it, more of marketing ploy playing on the originals reputation. I do not remember if the first series 541S had a 2 screw action, the the 540x & XR did.
Mine didn't shoot the way it should until adding a second bedding screw, free-floating and pillar bedding. Now it shoots extremely well, though has a Lilja barrel. I sold it to my B.I.L. when he wanted to shoot benchrest in our (unsanctioned) Plinker Category of the IR 50/50 Unlimited matches. He does so well with it, he moved up to Unlimited.

I think they still have my 541/581 bedding tips on
Bought mine new in 1978, and apart from some trigger lightening and free floating from one inch in front of the action, it is stock standard. Still shoots like stink after all these years - God knows how many rounds through it.

Brendan Atkinson
in South Australia