Fred Rost a great friend and shooter passed away



We are sad to tell everyone of the passing away of Fred Rost.
Fred lost a two year battle with cancer yesterday afternoon at his family home.

I give Fred the credit for getting me into the sport of rimfire benchrest and owe him more than I could ever start to repay.
He told me of his cancer two years ago on our way to the first match I ever shot. He tried to continue to shoot until early this summer
when his cancer returned and his strength started to fail.

The Missouri shooters will miss a Great Friend and fellow shooter and our thoughts and prayers go out to Fred's family.

Mac Ahart
Thanks for letting us know Mac,

I think it was 04 when together Brian Brandt, Dennis Sallin and I shot our first ARA match ever we met Fred Rost, and Joe Besche who were riding together at the Benchrest Rifle Club of St. Louis.

They were both very helpfull to several newcomers to the sport.

Since that day I have enjoyed spending time with Fred at the matches and missed him this season....and I know Joe has lost a very close friend.

I have been watching the local Obits to go by and show my respects.

So long Fred...until we meet again.
