Frank Weber breaks light gun score world record


G Bower

Today, 7/24/10, Frank Weber set a new Light Gun Score World Record at the Original Pennsylvania 1000 Yard Benchrest Club range north of Williamsport, PA with a 100 4.237" 6X target during match 6, relay 5, target 8 besting Andy Murtagh's 100 4.276 4X shot at Reade Range, Tyrone, PA 8/16/09.
6dasher, 266nk, 155FB, 1deg30 lead
Mark King Rifles, gunsmith
28" Broughton, 8tw
NF NXS 8-32
105gn custom bullet, .010 OFF lands
33.5 varget - ~3030fps
cci br4
100rds thru barrel
Looks like 9 shots in about 3.4"
link to target photo:
link to gun photo:
link to photo of Frank at the bench:
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congratuations again frank.frank is a great guy and has been shooting a long time.I beleive this is his 3rd record.great shooting:D:D
9 in 1 out...

Great shooting can see that 2 inch groups are one the way....congratulations...Roger
Frank has set records in the last three decades, that's some achievement. One of the genuine "good guys" in this game.

Congrats Frank- just add a little more powder.:D:D:D

Very nice shooting Frank. That Some-bi___ is centered up ain't it.

I think George meant 9 in 3.4, but still awesome.

That is quite the flier, Yeeowww.
Good shootin Frankie!!! It could have happened to a nicer guy.....Shannon Lowman
bad luck struck frank weber this week, when the gun he used to set this record was stolen.he is down about it ,but will be shooting this week end at williamsport. thank all of you for your comments