Forum rules - short fresher


Dennis Sorensen

I think a reminder of some of the 'rules' of Benchrest Central are in order.

Several years ago just about any topic was posted and discussed. It got out of hand and a lot of members complained... Eventually Wilbur stepped in and a decision was made. By the way if anyone isn't aware of who Wilbur is; he owns and maintains this 'free' site and makes the decisions. He made a few members 'moderators' with very limited abilities to help monitor the site. His humour showed through within the title when he labelled us 'Super Moderator'.

Many topics outside of the forum guidelines are discussed but...

Wilbur wishes that politics and religion are not to be discussed. Pictures of dead things are not to be posted.

There are other things that will get posts deleted as well... spam, offensive, aggressively argumentative 'troll' posts...

Moderators are not required to argue or debate with the offender. If you have a complaint it should be made directly to Wilbur.
having heard that appears there is room for politics as long as it is not party nor person bashing. we have had several long discussions of a political nature without lowering our standards...( name calling and such)....
the debt thread was one...
yes. no what ??
next up would be the current world/european economy....

mike in co
Define offensive, and troll, This board is getting to be something else. Over 20 post's on a alternitive to lighter fluid. How to clean a barrel. How to run a powder measure. We should discuss, are you safe with a center fire rife?
Dennis if what you say is true and Mr Harris's policy, how come there were several threads in the General Forum that went on for several posts and a few weeks. Those seemed to go on because the moderator who deletes many of these threads was in favor of those discussions.

For example;
its the narrow mined that should read the rules.......
i assume you were born with a ss trophy in your mouth ?? knew it all from day one and never had the need to LEARN from anyone ??
not a thing wrong with the posts you mentioned.....
mike in co

Define offensive, and troll, This board is getting to be something else. Over 20 post's on a alternitive to lighter fluid. How to clean a barrel. How to run a powder measure. We should discuss, are you safe with a center fire rife?
Dennis if what you say is true and Mr Harris's policy, how come there were several threads in the General Forum that went on for several posts and a few weeks. Those seemed to go on because the moderator who deletes many of these threads was in favor of those discussions.

For example;

It seems to me you completely missed the point. I believe it is possible Dennis was trying to tell you these type of threads are against forum policy. Because they were not deleted does not mean they are ok it means the moderators are tired of being the bad guys by deleting threads.
if you look you will see that those are exactly what i was point out....politics/political without fingerpointing/rude behavior/ nor name calling. adult discussions about political topics..but not about either party, not about specific names.
maybe they fit where i put them.....
mike in co
Dennis if what you say is true and Mr Harris's policy, how come there were several threads in the General Forum that went on for several posts and a few weeks. Those seemed to go on because the moderator who deletes many of these threads was in favor of those discussions.

For example;
It seems to me you completely missed the point. I believe it is possible Dennis was trying to tell you these type of threads are against forum policy. Because they were not deleted does not mean they are ok it means the moderators are tired of being the bad guys by deleting threads.

Correct and the mods may not read every thread as well...
Dennis if what you say is true and Mr Harris's policy, how come there were several threads in the General Forum that went on for several posts and a few weeks. Those seemed to go on because the moderator who deletes many of these threads was in favor of those discussions.

For example;

I don't think those threads should have been posted either...

The "Super Moderator" descriptors probably come with the VBulletin software and are defaults. Wilbur could call us the "Red Neck Prudes" if he wanted to change the default.

I agree that the referenced threads should have been deleted as against the policy. There are plenty of other forums available to express your political opinions. Google is free.



I agree that the referenced threads should have been deleted as against the policy. There are plenty of other forums available to express your political opinions. Google is free.

I agree there are many other forums on the internet to post political rantings but if you want to inform your benchrest buddies (this is THE BENCHREST forum you know) of something like the recently voted on "patriot" act, this is still the best place. Legislative alerts relating to guns and shooting should concern us all. Have you tried to conduct business in your local bank, for eample, since this Patriot/Communist legislation has passed. Read the just released book Land of No Longer Free.
Google? read the book Great Privacy Giveaway you will never use Google again.
I too agree the threads should have been deleted. It doesn't particularly matter what I think, or you think, it's a rule. Sort of like the speed limit laws, which lot of people don't seem to like or follow. I know, they're special, the laws don't apply to them.

Having said that, since Wilbur had the courage to make the policy, the least I can do is to have the courage to say I agree with it.

Charles Ellertson
if you want to inform your benchrest buddies (this is THE BENCHREST forum you know) of something like the recently voted on "patriot" act, this is still the best place.

Private messages work well and you can say anything you want in them... it doesn't have any topic restrictions.

Major political topics are widely publicized by the news media... everyone can see and read about them if they want... everyone has a computer and a TV.
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I agree there are many other forums on the internet to post political rantings but if you want to inform your benchrest buddies (this is THE BENCHREST forum you know) of something like the recently voted on "patriot" act, this is still the best place.

You may feel it is the best place but if our host "Wilbur " does not want those type posts on his forum it is his call, plain, simple, and not open to debate.