For those potential chemists on this forum


Roy Allain

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to gel any bore cleaner?

I currently use one of the popular bore/copper cleaners and add the old black powder gel to my plastic bottle of solvent. This stuff works great. The solvent stays on the bore walls and really does a good job. However, the gel is no longer made and I am looking for a substitue or a home brew.

Any one?


I'm in the same boat. I use Black Powder Gel with Sweets added as the first cleaning with a brush.
Try adding a couple of tablespoons or so, of a liquid soap (I use Woolite Dark Colors) to a bottle of Shooters Choice
and shake. It should gel and appears much like the original BPG. Of course always use a type of lub in the barrel after cleaning.
It works for me. Good luck. -----Bill
with a fibre or nylon brush.....right ????///////copper brush and sweets is ....welll rubbing copper on the bbl ??( guess i said that wrong...its swishing the copper from the brush in the bbl..canse the sweets does not care what copper it eats...)

I'm in the same boat. I use Black Powder Gel with Sweets added as the first cleaning with a brush.
Try adding a couple of tablespoons or so, of a liquid soap (I use Woolite Dark Colors) to a bottle of Shooters Choice
and shake. It should gel and appears much like the original BPG. Of course always use a type of lub in the barrel after cleaning.
It works for me. Good luck. -----Bill
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Well, thank you sir !

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to gel any bore cleaner?

I currently use one of the popular bore/copper cleaners and add the old black powder gel to my plastic bottle of solvent. This stuff works great. The solvent stays on the bore walls and really does a good job. However, the gel is no longer made and I am looking for a substitue or a home brew.

Any one?



If I didn't know better, I would swear I wrote this. :eek: You have described perfectly what I have been looking for since learning that Shooter's Choice no longer makes Black Powder Gel.

For many years, my favorite bore cleaner for use with bronze brushes has been a mixture of Sweets 7.62, Black Powder Gel and Shooter's Choice. I take an empty 8 oz., bottle and pour about one finger of Sweets in the bottom, add a 4 oz., bottle of gel and fill the rest of the way up with Shooters Choice. Shake and let sit for a few minutes and you have what I think is the best bore cleaner available. Squirt a good dose of this brew down the bore and make twelve round trips with a bronze brush. Push out the blue goop with a couple of dry patches, wash out with a couple of soppy patches with pure Shooters Choice or Butches, dry with two clean dry patches and you are finished. Quick, simple and very effective! Sound familiar? :cool:

Like you, I've been searching high and low for a replacement for the gel. Hope someone can tell us what they use to make that stuff. Thanks for bringing it up.

Gene Beggs
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styrofoam+gasoline (1:1) dont smoke!!!!

Thats getting a little too close to homebrewed Napalm:D

And if you really want melted plastic in your bore just shoot some IMR 8208XBR. LOL's
Years ago, Steve Timm steered me to Shooters Choice Black Powder Gel to help with stubborn powder deposits in my 220 Swift. Luckily, I still have some.

CVA makes a black powder gel in a 4 oz. tube, #1684. Never used it, but it might be an option. -Al
Here are a couple of ideas i HAVE NOT TRIED.
1 could try using hand sanitizer, its alcohol based.
2 use gelatin sheets dissolved in solvent
3 carefully heat the solvent and use thickener like corn starch or arrow root
4 Dont remember the name but there is a thickener that you can find in oriental markets (similar to gelatin).
You could rip apart some diapers or feminine products and use the powder in those that should work.....:confused:
I use pro shot #4 and it isnt a gel but it does foam up a little and works great. Smells like ass when mixed with Danzac but works none the less!! Lee
Using bronze or brass brushes with copper eating solvent, eats brushes very quickly...

Try using a stiff nylon brush to apply the copper eating solvents...
I don't smoke !

styrofoam+gasoline (1:1) dont smoke!!!!

With no gasoline on hand at the time, I poured about four ounces of Coleman fuel into a half pint widemouth jar and added some styrofoam chips from a foam coffee cup. The Coleman fuel had no affect on the closed cell type styrofoam of the coffee cup.

Next, i tried the same thing with acetone. The styrofoam chunks did not dissolve in the acetone but were quickly reduced to a slimy white cohesive mass in the bottom of the jar. Not what I was looking for so I poured the stuff out on the ground and lit it with a match. It burned for several minutes but never went out until I extinguished it with a bucket of water. I don't know how long it would have burned but I'll say one thing; it would make a great fire starter.

So,,, today, I'll get some real gasoline and open cell type styrofoam from the craft shop and try again. I'll let you know.

Gene Beggs
When we use to make napalm we used knox Jelliten. we got it from the mess hall.
mix thoughly and let stand next day should be jelly like . we use to add fuel each day and stir to keep it growing.
Once in awhile at the end we would thin it down with diesel fuel.
pretty sure the Jelletin will work try it outside. well ventilated and loosly covered.
When we use to make napalm we used knox Jelliten. we got it from the mess hall.
mix thoughly and let stand next day should be jelly like . we use to add fuel each day and stir to keep it growing.
Once in awhile at the end we would thin it down with diesel fuel.
pretty sure the Jelletin will work try it outside. well ventilated and loosly covered.

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

Gene Beggs
Still need help

Well, Roy, Bill, Vern et al, we haven't received much help on this gel thing but I'm not giving up on it. An ammoniated gel used with a bronze brush cleans barrels like nothing else. I was so sorry when Shooters Choice discontinued Black Powder Gel. There has got to be a suitable substitute for it. It's not the cleaner I'm interested in but the thickening action of the gel itself. It makes the cleaner cling to the bore and keeps it from running out the muzzle. After brushing, I wash out the bore with pure Shooters Choice or Butch's.

I tried the styrofoam/gasoline trick and quickly concluded it was not the answer. I mixed some Knox gelatin into some Coleman fuel and it did nothing. I guess we could contact Shooters Choice and see if they can help. Vern, you may have the answer with the alcohol based hand sanitizer gel. I'll try it.

In the meantime, can ANYONE explain how to gel bore cleaner? I've been looking for a way for years. Surely, someone knows the answer and is willing to help us.

BTW, I assure you brushing with a bronze brush and ammoniated cleaner like Sweets 7.62, Butch's Bore Shine, Shooters Choice etc., will not harm your bore. I have had a German made fiberoptic bore scope for many years which literally lets you crawl inside a bore and inspect every inch microscopicly. I monitor my barrels regularly and know what's going on in there. Yes, the ammonia works on the bronze brush as well as any copper deposits in the barrel but the majority of the 'blue goop' is coming from the brush. Once the copper goes into solution with the ammonia, it will not be redeposited anywhere in the bore. Blue goop is the most effective copper remover ever.

After brushing, I rinse the brush thoroughly in a jar of alcohol or lacquer thinner. My brushes last a long time. When I rinse out the brush, it's not because I want to extend it's life (they're inexpensive) I just don't want all that blue goopy stuff in my rod caddy. :p



Gene Beggs
You have to let the geliten sit for a while it should jell up. leave it open .
Give it a stir it takes some time. I remember stirring it every day with a canoe paddle in a 55 gal druim.
The longer it sat the thicker it got, we had to stir it or the very top would get really stickey.
We kept it moving and adding to keep the volume up.
You have to let the geliten sit for a while it should jell up. leave it open .
Give it a stir it takes some time. I remember stirring it every day with a canoe paddle in a 55 gal druim.
The longer it sat the thicker it got, we had to stir it or the very top would get really stickey.
We kept it moving and adding to keep the volume up.

Thanks Gerry, I'll continue experimenting with the Knox gelatin.
Gene I can also check with my son jim. Hes a chemical engineer. i'm sure we can find the right mix or chemicals
It shouldn't be that duffacult.
Gene as an alternative process for the gelatin you can try using boiling water like the directions say ONLY use a much smaller amount of water. Just before it starts to set up you can try adding the bore cleaner. IF for some reason it does not mix, i.e. presence of oils you can add a little alcohol (denatured is best). Same idea as the addative for water removal from gasoline.
I dont know the content of the cleaner you are going to use but it could be possible to warm or heat it slightly OUTDOORS and use it instead of water.
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