Followup on polishing the FL sizing die.



I've now sized over 500 cases in the polished .223 Rem. die with out a single one sticking. The only change is having polished the die with oil dipped 400, 600, 800, and 1000 grit paper. Before polishing it would stick one or two in 50 cases regardless of how careful I was with lube, etc.

I've polished the internals of all my other FL sizing dies and am experiencing very smooth and consistant performance with those as well.

Sometimes I'd get a case that would go in hard and come out hard and I'd see evidence of that on the outside with burnished reigons. Doesn't happen anymore. They go in smooth, come out smooth, it's almost effortless, and they work great in the rifles.

Doesn't get better than that.

I have a 6XC die that also scrapes quite a bit, I'm going to try your method. I bought a new 30-06 die and this 6XC die the same day a couple of months ago; came home, did a bunch of 30-06 and it was like butter, then on to the 6XC and I was gritting my teeth at how rough it felt! Both from the same manufacturer, it drove me nuts. I have the day off today and tomorrow so I'll swing by the hardware store and get some of the finer grits. Thanks for the reminder!

You are welcome.

If the hardware doesn't have the paper, the auto parts stores will have it in handy packages that have one sheet of each grit.
