Fn 1954



I recently bought a FN Belgium commercial Mauser and was wondering if any of you could tell me something about the scope and rifle . The scope is marked Germany Pecar Berlin 4x81 . It appears to be a 30mm tube and mounts are Buehler Orinda Cal. Rings I am not sure of as they are split vertically , I have never owned Control rings , but they look similar to pictures I have seen of them . Rifle is 270 cal. and of course FN Belguim with a really tight fit of wood to metal . When I took the action out of the stock I had to pull it apart . Wood is nice , with schnabenal foreend (spelling not the best ) and a very nice cheek rest with no sights . Barrel is marked Chrome Vandium Steel and FN 1954 270.cal. It seems to be all original and no bluing wear or wood finnish wear as there are no swivels . I paid 500.00 for it . The cross hairs are slightly bent , but you really have to look hard to see it . But zeroing was no problem and with Federal 130 Gr. it shot three three shot groups under an inch and two out of the five groups went as large as 1.5" . I have decided it is a keeper , just wondering if anyone could tell me something about it . Thank you , Kenneth
The rings on it could well be Buehler's. My dad had a Buehler base on his Savage 99 with a Weaver K3 in them. Since the K3 had a straight tube the one piece rings that were only split on the bottom were used. When I inherited the rifle and replaced the old K3 with a huge post with one of the last American made K4's I had to dig up a pair of two piece Buehler rings that as I remember were split on the top as well and joined there with a single screw. From what I remember of older German scopes they mostly had 26 (and maybe 27) mm tubes, and in the 1950's a lot of American scope ring makers produced 26 mm rings with other sizes available on special order.

I'd say that you've got a keeper.
Thank you for your input . These rings are split top and bottom but held together at top as you said . I think I am going to play with some loads and find what it likes best . Zero it and put it away to use if I ever get to go on a hunting trip for a wall hanger . Again thanks , Kenneth
Ken; If you're going to develop loads for.................

it, you might consider floating it from the front of the receiver ring to the tip. Since this isn't a collector's item you won't be diminishing the value, and with the charge weights you'll deal with, the benefit to cooling will be significant.
Thanks . I considered it , but the wood to metal fit is so nice I hate to disturb it . I will only shoot three shot groups while firing other wepons in between groups to let the barrel cool , hopefully the wood won't be an issue , Thanks , Kenneth