

Hi all,

I made an observation over the last weeks which might be already known to you.

When shooting BR50 I noticed that for some cartridges (e.g. Tenex) I can feel a difference in resistance when moving the bolt forward (starting when the chamber is touching the wax on the bullets).

Some cartridges can be inserted into the chamber with less effort and I was wondering if this was related to a smaller bullet diameter or to a damaged wax coating. My observation was that these cartridges will quite likely produce flyers for me and that‘s why I do not send them for score but for the practice targets.

Any thoughts on this? I was wondering if sorting at home would be possible based on this - but I assume that chambering every round (firing pin removed) is not the smartest way to go..

Some brands are more affected than others.
And within the same brand, different products can also present different percentages of harder to feed cartridges.

At practice I shoot them for score, and seldom do they produce a flyer.
However, at a match, I do always sighters when such a cartridge presents.

Any type of home sorting, is for me, a waste of time.
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