Ah yes, the liberal penchant for social programming! If a person takes an anger management class they'll be totally at peace with the world and never harm man or beast! This is sort of like the moron liberal female who appeared on Fox News and said that all men should be told not to rape. I don't know about the rest of you, but that's not something I needed to be told. I also didn't need to be told to not kill people out of hand, rob stores or banks or people on the street or break into their homes to rob them. Maybe I just had a strange upbringing, but I sort of doubt it.
Liberals are not bothered by facts, logic, evidence, or much else it seems. They come with their minds, such as they are, all made up and anything that disagrees with what they feel (no thought involved) is just plain flat out wrong. I offer as evidence Joe "the Gun Expert" Biden who has managed to get one person jailed for following his "touch off a blast through the door" advice. Too bad Biden couldn't be jailed along with him.
Pardon me if anyone is offended by my little rant, but if they can disprove any of it I'd sure like to know.