FL sizing ?


With a custom FL sizing die how much should the base be sized? This is for tight neck 6ppc. I have always heard that .001 is needed to keep from having the dreaded click at the top of the bold throw. How much is too much?
Thanks, Bro.D
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.001 is fine but the dreaded click is from your chamber being too small.

I don't know how much is too much but a result of more than .002-.003 would scare me. I would GUESS that working the brass .003-.004 each time will result in splits. I've never tried it.

If it aint broke,don't fix it

You are not sizing the base at all,you are massaging the body and bumping back the shoulder. If you have an aggressive enough sizing die the click will not exist. If the click develops then you'll need a more aggressive die or a larger diameter chamber.Shoot the gun and see what develops,most of this stuff works pretty good the way it was designed.