five 250s


Ken Fulghum

Saturday at Greensea, SC, Jeff Miller shot 5 back to back 250s. Started with a 250-21
sporter, a potential RBA record. He continued with 4 more with the 10.5# gun.
Being as this was a combo match, he actually shot back to back 750 aggs. Not sure if this
has been accomplished before.
Not to be outdone , Phil Dorman the match director, shoots his first 750 unlimited agg.
Jeff beat him by 2 Xs.
Great shooting guys.
Jeff Miller that is fantastic. YOU ARE THE MAN! And Phil Dorman that was great shooting , you should have fed something to Jeff when you had the chance. Really that is almost unbelieveable shooting guys. That is a record that will stand for some time. I picked a good one to miss this time.
I have seen 5 250's with the big gun but 5 with a sporter included is amazing! Great shooting Jeff and you too Phil hope you both get this out of your systems before September or I may just put on sun screen and watch you guys.
Congratulaions Jeff! That's some intense concentration, some great ammo, and some dadburn fine shootin'!!! Well done. Keep it up!
Thanks Guys!!

You are correct Kent. I've gotten into some good bullets.
Black box lot 1201-1063 for the sporter and 2262-1062 for the 40x.
Still have half a case of each.

My sporter is a Turbo12/Broughton5C. The 40x has a Lilja tight bore with a 52d chamber and a J&J Slide.

I believe Phil's unlimited gun is a Turbo12/Broughton4C.

Both my sporter and Phil's unlimited gun were barreled by Ken Fulghum.
He did my sporter last summer and Phil's gun just a few weeks ago.