First group match in St. Louis coming up Feb 28-Mar 1



Our first 100/200 LV/HV group match of the 2015 season at St. Louis Bench Rest Rifle Club is coming up on 2/28-3/1. We had beautiful weather here last weekend, it was in the 60's, so you never know what to expect in the Midwest in February.
We will be having a fun match on Friday afternoon to test you skills, and fill your wallet if you win. We will also be having steak dinner at the club on Saturday night. Please let me know if you plan on coming so that I can buy enough food. Also, please let me know if you need help with directions or hotel accommodations.
Hope to see lots of people there!
Joe Fesi
(314) 283-4085

Just two weeks of practice left until the first group match of the season at Bench Rest Rifle Club in St Louis!!