Firing pin spring. How Often do you change?

The Kaiser

New member
Had a good discussion today at the range, and one thing that was mentioned was the firing pin spring in my Panda action. My gun is around ten years old and should I be thinking about changing the spring? I never leave it cocked but it was mentioned that they are still compressed even though not cocked. My accuracy seems to be off and can't find out what the problem is. Guess this would be another thing to try.
A new spring every year sounds and is about right. Get a new one while you are at the Super Shoot and have them check out your action, worth the piece of mind.
Had a good discussion today at the range, and one thing that was mentioned was the firing pin spring in my Panda action. My gun is around ten years old and should I be thinking about changing the spring? I never leave it cocked but it was mentioned that they are still compressed even though not cocked. My accuracy seems to be off and can't find out what the problem is. Guess this would be another thing to try.

I make no claim to any knowledge on this subject except I seem to recall on a thread on this very site a couple of years ago saying it was recommended by Kelblys that the spring be replaced every few thousand rounds which meant about every new barrel or two. Since my Teddy had maybe its 12th barrel on it at that time I changed mine.

Had a good discussion today at the range, and one thing that was mentioned was the firing pin spring in my Panda action. My gun is around ten years old and should I be thinking about changing the spring? I never leave it cocked but it was mentioned that they are still compressed even though not cocked. My accuracy seems to be off and can't find out what the problem is. Guess this would be another thing to try.

Only replace the spring when the compression poundage level drops below 21 pounds, which for my Pandas is about every 12 years..............Don
Kaiser ...

Had a good discussion today at the range, and one thing that was mentioned was the firing pin spring in my Panda action. My gun is around ten years old and should I be thinking about changing the spring? I never leave it cocked but it was mentioned that they are still compressed even though not cocked. My accuracy seems to be off and can't find out what the problem is. Guess this would be another thing to try.

Ask a knowledgeable gunsmith how many pounds your action's spring calls for then have him test the spring for the recommended poundage. If it doesn't pass the test, buy a new one. :)