A friend plans to get a 243 AI and reckons he just needs to fire regular 243 rounds to create the new headspace... is this safe?
I read almost all your posts / replies on this forum and this time I think you have proved that you operate on a higher level than most!
Amen to that ...........my favorite rifle is a 257 Rob Imp. My first rebarrel project and headspace with gages checks perfect but I've always been plagued with cases splitting just ahead of the web or misfires when fireforming new brass.
Thanks Mike for the clarity.
I've chambered a few barrels, but never tried my hand at an Ackley. I bet
.004 is a pretty tight crush fit when you are going to fire-form the brass. I guess thats the whole purpose though. If you have a tight chamber that is
.004 shorter than the parent case, I don't see how the firing pin can push the case any farther forward, like what Dennis was saying. If it is tight on the bolt face and the shoulder, how can there be enough slop to push it forward and then back to the bolt??
I'm not saying anyone is wrong or right, I'm merely trying to gain some insight on the subject.. Afterall, you guys know more about this than I do..