Finish Line Krytec Which one to use ? Dan Brown Anyone

I introduced the use of Krytech lube for application on airgun pellets some while back in the last century. At the time, it was called "Krytox" Chain lube, then changed to Krytech, and came in a pressurized spray can. I still have a supply of it in the spray cans, though nowadays, it is only sold in spritz bottles or drip bottles, and is a slightly different formulation. I think the old stuff was a little better, but users still have great results with the new "Krytech with wax" lube. don't use the one with "moly".

I tried lots of other bike chain lubes, but the Finishline with Krytech works best, ESP in high velocity springers, as it prevents or reduces leading and in many cases actually IMPROVES accuracy over unlubed pellets.

It needs to be applied very sparingly, with maybe five drops being enough for an entire tin of pellets. to me, it interracts with the lube on JSB pellets, and doesnt work well unless they are washed first. The lube is a MUST for me on Crosman pellets.
Thank's Guy's for the help, now I'm off to the Bike Shop. Hope there's a 230 in My future,LOL.....Franky
yep too much and you be scratching your eyes out trying to figure out what went south. I clean the JSBs in the ultra sonic unit, rinse , dry then add the magic stuff. Kroil seems to work in my unit also.