Filling Bags With Sand



Do I fill my new front and rear bags with as much sand as possible or ?? I have some of the "heavy" lock sand also the bags sold by dohrmann, instructions say to wet the bag material and use a block mold and let dry overnight, can i just use the rifle stock as the mold, and without a funnel, whats another way to fill bags without one, or maybe a smaller funnel from the store??

Yes, you do need to fill them with as much sand as possible. After I fill mine, I will rock them on my workbench to settle the sand, and then poke more in. The sand in the bags will settle over time and you will have to put more in. Maybe a tablespoon or two. I have placed mine in my car and hauled it around with me during the week to help settle the sand.
I use a small funnel with a tablespoon to fill mine. It takes awhile. I am sure that someone here has a better way to do it.
After I fill the bag, I start filling the bunny ears.
I never have wet my sand.
after filling as much as possible i actually had to remove some out of the ears of the rear bag and also the front, the edge stock would not fit well..i wet the sewn on material with water not the sand. instructions said would form better doing this.

Filling Bags

Bill, Shortly, I will have a booklet available on "Sandbags, and setting them up for Benchrest". A lot of very usefull information that will answer questions like yours. If you like, get in touch with me and I'll get a copy to you.

Dave Dohrmann
your pamplet sounds like a good idea, i sure didnt get a lot of answers here but did have over 300 views though.

I use a small spoon that I have hanging around my neck. Bought it in Florida. Let's see, that's not sand, so never mind.
Great suggestion!

I have placed mine in my car and hauled it around with me during the week to help settle the sand.

After reading this post last night I put my rear rest in the boot (trunk?) of the car and drove to work today. When I came home I checked the bag and sure enough the sand had settled some. I'm going to leave the rest in the car for another day and then top it up. Then, repeat the process.

Thanks mate! :)
I put the top on my tumbler and set the bag on it to settle the sand.
Bag Sand

I think you guys are moving in the wrong direction by trying to settle sand. Doing this will cause most sand to pack too tightly, and create a hard bag. Hard bags are not good for accuracy. Firm is good ... hard, not good.
Unless a larger size sand particle is used, overpacked bags will end up too hard.

Bad Sand

I'm just thinking out loud here. But isn't a one piece rest as hard of front and rear rest as you can get. A lot of people use them
i think some one peice rest owners are usin tops with thin sand bags mounted on them with set screws....i think
I'm just thinking out loud here. But isn't a one piece rest as hard of front and rear rest as you can get. A lot of people use them

Not all one piece rest use delrin on the front top. Some use sand bags on the front top and some use rubber pads covered with cordura on the front top.
Sunday I shot a rifle off a one piece rest with delrin surfaces front and rear and this rifle would shoot 10's and X's with ease. I wish we had set it on my conventional setup and fired some rounds to see how it reacted. Didn't think of it until today :(