Fellow IR50/50 Shooter Bill Gambill has left the range

Kent Owens

Active member
IR50/50 friends, my good friend Bill Gambill passed away yesterday morning. Bill's health had not allowed him to participate in the game for the past several years, but his will and love of the game was still there.

Whenever I would visit him he would always ask about how everyone he used to shoot with was doing, and of course the "what's new in the rimfire shooting world question always came up. Bill was a very good friend, and never said a bad word about anybody.

In his younger days he was a competition pistol shooter, and he loved competition. Rimfire BR allowed him to continue in shooting when his health no longer allowed running and jumping,, etc., and he became proficient at it in a short time.

I can't think of anyone who enjoyed the shooting sports any more than Bill, it was his life. He and I shared a love for fine firearms and shooting, and I will dearly miss my friend Bill.
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I Did`nt know Bill...... but I am sure I would have liked him.I`ve met some of the best people ever at matches and shooting in general......... some very knowledgeable people......
We are all diminished by their absence....