February Austin Rifle Club Results


New member
Place Name Score Cal


1st Steve Young 250/19X 30br
2nd Art Bosco 250/14X 30br
3rd Robert Rongero 249/18X 30br
4th Dennis Boyce 248/5X 6br
5th Virgil Howarth 247/13X 30hbr
6th Jon Aronson 241/7X 22-250
7th Pat Callan 238/2x 6ppc

Due to the BIG shoot in Tombal we only had seven shooters show up. But...what great weather with 80 degrees and very little wind. Virg was the only Hunter shooter so he put on the Wea 36X and shot with the big boys in VFS. Jon Aronson was the only Factory shooter with his Savage 22-250 so I put him in with the VFS shooters so he couldn't beat himself.

Steve Young remembering last months match did not put two in the same target and ran away with the match with a great score.:)

Hope to see some of the Burnet crowd next month...virg.