Farley rest "walking"


Jerry Adams
My new Farley rest keeps "walking" during shooting with normal 6 PPC loads. I use Stabilfeet with the PMA leg screws. I wash the concrete bench top and wet the feet but the rest just keeps walking. Didn't have this issue with the used JJ I bought some years ago. Any suggestions on how I can cure this? My back tells me that the Farley rest is fairly heavy so I don't think adding more weight will help.

Next time try just getting rid of the dust on the bench top. I just use a towel or t-shirt and "swat" the top to eliminate the dust, and then wipe the rubbers on the feet before installing them under the screw tips. Works and I haven't had any walking since the first time I used the rubber feet.


Next time try just getting rid of the dust on the bench top. I just use a towel or t-shirt and "swat" the top to eliminate the dust, and then wipe the rubbers on the feet before installing them under the screw tips. Works and I haven't had any walking since the first time I used the rubber feet.


I do all that and more and still have the problem.
Sacramento Valley range prohibits the beating of the points into the bench.
The problem is probably you.
You have possibly begun sitting with your shoulders out of parallel to the firing line so you could reach the stick more easily. The butt of the rifle is sliding right and the rest is reacting to the left. Re-position yourself squarely to the line and see if that helps. If that doesn't work you may have to send the rest to me for further testing.

OK Francis, thanks for all the suggestions except the last. The rest seem to move in the 2 o'clock direction.
I do not understand how the rest can be moving in a 2 o'clock direction unless you are pinning the rifle against the front stop. Take the front stop off it is hurting you not helping you. I have shot a Farley for years, it is no small feat to move it in a 2 o'clock direction. Are you using the "Space" base?
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Uhmm - you didn't hear this from me, but there is a product that you can buy at art supply stores and maybe some office supply stores.

It is made by 3M and is called Spray-Mount. it is a repositionable adhesive much like what is found on Post-it notes. Works great.

two things..... Do not confuse it with your can of silicone spray and spray this stuff on the top of your bags - it causes huge vertical. (don't ask how I know this)

secondly there are probably some who may think it is against the rules.

When my daughter was competing in position shooting as a child, I asked a ref if I could spray it on her pants - the refs got together and madly flipped through the rules books and finally said no - nothing could be attached to the childs clothing. i said Ok and proceeded to spray it directly on the childs elbows. They all looked at me and then each other and then walked away. Nothing was ever said.

the only time it ever seems to be a problem is with a new slick painted bench top. maybe scuff the surface with some sandpaper?
I do not understand how the rest can be moving in a 2 o'clock direction unless you are pinning the rifle against the front stop. Take the front stop off it is hurting you not helping you. I have shot a Farley for years, it is no small feat to move it in a 2 o'clock direction. Are you using the "Space" base?

I shoot free recoil and don't pin the rifle. I got the rest new from Ed Adams last year at Raton. I use the Stabilfeet under the rest and changed the screws per recommendation from the site I bought them on. Can't remember right now which one it was. The Stabilfeet were the same ones I had been using with my JJ rest. Anyway, I bought the Farley July of last year and used it for the July and August matches at Raton. Usually I'm not sharing a bench when I shoot, but I seem to remember that I did share a bench at least at the August match. I seem to recall that when I was done shooting I pushed the rest to the right side of the bench leaving the rest on the Stabilfeet. When It was my turn to shoot, I just pushed the rest back to the other side. I wondered if I had sanded the feet smooth on the bottom. I tried roughing them up but that didn't help. Regardless, I ordered another set of feet and they should be here soon. Will see what happens when I try them out.

As far as the 2 o'clock position is concerned. I usually outline the feet with a Sharpie after I settle on the rest position. This let me see where the rest was going and it was somewhere between 12 and 3 o'clock. It does this at my local range as well. At first I didn't notice it until I ran out of azimuth adjustment on the rest. Now I just check the outline around the feet. Another mystery of bench rest shooting.

Used the feet that I bought from Bob Adams while fire forming today and the Farley rest seemed to stay put. Hope that continues in the future.
Hammer em in like we used to do. It wont move then

If you do that on the new bench tops at Holton, MI. you are sure to hear about it on the line, unless you were one of the people that spent your week ends making the forms and pouring the concrete for them , ( 40 ) But then ...if you were, you wouldn't be doing that. I think it's called consideration.

get someone to hold a phone up and take a video of you shooting to see why its moving.

that seems to be a good idea for a number of reasons. I have a digital movie camera and several tripods. I could take movies myself and see what else I'm doing wrong.

Thanks for the suggestion