How many use this scope in Bench rest ? Just heard the Silver one is available in a few weeks & these are the official pictures.

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How many use this scope in Bench rest ? Just heard the Silver one is available in a few weeks & these are the official pictures.
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I'm interested in the scope for FT use, especially if it can range find better than my Sightron.
I'm interested in the scope for FT use, especially if it can range find better than my Sightron.
What kind of problems are you having with your Sightron. I'm currently saving for a FT scope and Sightron III 10-50x has bee highly recommended and is on my short list. Thx Mike
Straight from the horses mouth, i have no ties with Falcon but have been testing and helping develop those T50 for last three years.
The holdup three years ago was due to me finding a problem just prior to release. I will say the problems found would have been entirely tolerable with lots of other producers inc Deon and Bushnell.
I have probably had every incarnation of that scope and can honestly say "It does what it says on the tin" at the right price. If you want better, pay for it. Over here T50 £400, Sightron £1060, March £2300 to £3100 as a comparison.
Agree the mildot ret in 2nd FP is thick and useless but so is the Sightron.
Its work in progress and what i did comment upon three years ago. Rets up to now apart from a few prototypes are on a wire and thats as small as they can reliably be made.
Have see other developments but cant divulge, sorry.
One thing having used just about every scope known to man is they track. I use exactly same diallings as my PR Leups and the 10 Marchs i have had, cant say that about the BSA/Niko.
FOV is narrower than most but they are a genuine 50.1 mag, most other so called 50 mags are only 45 mag so will have a wider FOV.
Eye relief is normal and when mounted has same balance as my March 10-60 730gr in weight due to it having to be pushed forward for a 4" eye relief.
Heres the T50C from 2011 and March 10-60 http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL15/728921/1243489/397778500.jpg First time out won the comp with four worlds champs present with a rough zero and three range markings to work from. Of course they dont work.
Plenty of room for mounting heres the first one i had early 2010 http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL15/728921/1243489/382720384.jpg
Elevation theres ample, even in 12ft/lb FT with high rail you wont need any more than 18MOA from 8 yards to 55 yards.
They do however need a tilted rail like S&B FT and PM2, all Nightforce incline but not as much as March or Leups.
I do have in front of me an advanced build T50B Silver handed over to me by an ex world champ that has done a review in a future magazine. I wont be able to give any feedback for at least two weeks possibly more even in to April. Even though i quickly checked this particular scope out last October it will be interesting what latest batch are like with the new modded baffle to appease the casual untrained user.
Having written this, its got the better of me but shouldnt be doing what will do tomorrow, that is make a precision tilted rail up i can nick a wheel off an order and try out twice this weekend. If no good slide my March back on job done.
I like the spacing on the focus wheel between 50 and 55, better than my sightron. How are the optics?
Hi Do you know if the 5.5- 25 X 56 well focus down to 10 yd. ????? Thank You Rick
Here you go one T50D FT with chinese wheel mounted ready to go tomorrow.
As at last week they are expected in 4 to 6 weeks, then package and send off to dealers.
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