Falcon bolt

Dennis D.

Anyone got any idea how the Falcon bolt comes apart? Just got the action but no instructions with it and I don't want to force anything.

Give Leonard a call at 336-667-8785. I'm curious as to why you'd want to take a brand new bolt apart, but that's none of my business. Good idea about not forcing anything.
Give 'em a call, and either Leonard or Johnathan should be able ot answer any questions you may have.
Well, when I fit a barrel I prefer not to have the firing pin and spring in place. I've emailed him and I'm sure he'll get back to me as he's been very good about keeping in contact. I was just hoping to fit the barrel tonight and though someone might have a quick answer.

remove small set screw in cocking piece, then use approprietly sized pin punch thru top to nock out pin holding cocking piece to firing pin, rest should be self explanitory
Mr. Langley has worked on three or four of the falcons I believe Dennis. I think you may have even talked to him at kettlefoot this past year at the psl on the falcon a little.
On the actions he is presently shipping--
Use a .070 pin punch is inserted into bottom and pin is driven out the top. If you try to drive it from the top out the bottom, it will be damaged. Dennis, I sent you a PM.

I'll be here in the am unti 11:00, then I'll be out testing rifles. If you want to give me a call.
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Thanks guys, got it Kent, just like to be sure of what I'm doing before I do it. Tonymed, must have been a different Dennis, I'd love to come out there someday and shoot but it's a long drive from Oregon and my boss always expects me to be back at work Monday mornings!

Yes sir I thought that you were someone else sorry about that. That is a long way. You will have to get your boss into shooting so he dont care if you miss a day or two.
She does shoot, when the weather is nice. In fact in her office is hanging her pride and joy, an IR 50/50 250 21X target that she shot. Still won't let me take a week off to go shooting!
