Falcon Actions


Jr. Brooks

By now some of these are in use, I would like to here what you think of yours, the reason I'm asking is I orderd a L/B L/P and hope to get it some day soon, thank you
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I have one of the Falcon actions, actually it was the first one to leave the shop I believe. There are pic's on here somewhere of it? I know I posted a few some time back.
I put a good barrel on it, and bedded it into a good BR stock. That said, it shoots as well as any rifle I've shot. I went by the shop this afternoon and Leonard and Johnathon were busy working on more new ones. The workmanship on these actions is excellent.
I'm hoping it looks as good as it shoots too. I called Dan this week and put in an order for a custom rig using the Falcon as the basis of the build. I wanted a cheek piece for some fun prone competitions as well as BR in our club so I went with the McMillan BR50.

I'll post images when I get it...
Kent, I shot out two e-mails with no responce, what's the thinking on having repeaters down the line?
They have been very busy trying to fill all the orders for the single shot version. I too am very interested in building a sporter off a Falcon action. I already have the barrel in stock.Yesterday when I passed by the shop Leonard had several magazines from different manufacturers on the bench, and he is interested in making a repeater version, but he also wants to get it right.
While I cannot speak for Leonard, and don't mean to, I think he will move ahead with the repeater version as time permits, and when has caught up with the present orders for the single shot versions. Several folks have shown a strong interest in a repeater version of the action, including myself. I don't think it will be a long wait, once he decides on which magazine is best, and it needs to be a magazine that's readily available, and one that will feed as well. But, I have no idea on what the time table will be.
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