Falcon Action


Pa bob

Have any of you Falcon action owners had fail to fire problems? Mine has had this problem for awhile now and I was wondering what you did to correct the problem. I've heard it has something to do with the firing pin. It doesn't happen a lot but does seem to happen during a match and it's driving me nuts.

Since it seems you might not be familiar with turbo based actions and implied it was not always an issue, maybe you want to go with a spring change to start. First, if you know what you're doing, pull the bolt apart and make sure it is not dirty and dry, not heavily lubricated.
Which firing pin system?

Bob, do you have the original SAP system or the converted PAS system? Tim's suggestion is the best place to start, rimfires are dirty and gunk can easily become a problem. Check the firing pin protrusion after cleaning and make sure it's ok. Assuming it's good then check the indention depth on half a dozen once fired cases. This is easy to measure on the SAP Falcon because of the open cocking piece shroud.
Since it seems you might not be familiar with turbo based actions and implied it was not always an issue, maybe you want to go with a spring change to start. First, if you know what you're doing, pull the bolt apart and make sure it is not dirty and dry, not heavily lubricated.

The bolt is clean and not over lubricated. a different spring might be the answer.
Bob, do you have the original SAP system or the converted PAS system? Tim's suggestion is the best place to start, rimfires are dirty and gunk can easily become a problem. Check the firing pin protrusion after cleaning and make sure it's ok. Assuming it's good then check the indention depth on half a dozen once fired cases. This is easy to measure on the SAP Falcon because of the open cocking piece shroud.

It's the SAP system. The firing pin has been checked and is in good shape. We haven't checked the depth of the indentation of the casings but that may bew the next step.
Thank you Tim and Dennis........... Bob
Pin travel?

So the SAP actions are easy to check. Use an empty case, gently lower the firing pin on it and measure the distance from the back of the shroud to the cocking piece. Then re-cock, fire and remeasure. I use a depth mike but a vernier caliper will do.

Also be sure that you have the hanger the right way around, if you reverse it you'll have light strikes. That's assuming of course that yours is identical to mine. On mine the cocking piece has a groove in it and that groove is clearly viable when cocked when the hanger is on properly, it's not visible when the hanger is reversed. On my gun the spring is strong enough that I had to elongate the holes in the hanger to move the trigger forward a bit to get the penetration down to .019.
