Fairchance reopens for IR 50/50 Matches


Well-known member
Fairchance Rifle range reopened this past weekend for IR 50/50 Unlimited Matches.

Fairchance has a rich history for shooting both Centerfire and Rimfire. It also has a notorious reputation for shooting conditions.

Some call it "Fat Chance" others call it "No Chance".

It is not a flatland, low light range. Matches are shot in broad daylight in a very large valley. No need to bring wind flags. You can use the wind turbines on the hills off to the right of the range. Conditions can vary. I've seen it dead still, and I've seen it raging. But whatever it is you will enjoy the challenge.

All kidding aside, shooting at Fairchance provides an equal opportunity for everyone. Your scores may not be as high as other ranges, but everyone has to deal with what is there at the time. The range has 50 benches. Not likely there will be more than one relay.

The best news for IR 50/50 in a long time is the IR 50/50 Nationals will be held at Fairchance in August 2023. The Sporter Nationals Aug 4., 3-Gun Nationals. Aug.5, and the Unlimited Nationals Aug. 6.

This will be "The IR 50/50 event of the year". Be there or be square.

The opening match this past weekend was very typical for Fairchance. Conditions were average, nothing to complain about, other than the wind, the gusts, the switching, and the nerve wrenching lulls.

The match went off without a hitch. Targets were scored quickly and accurately. There was a problem with the score reporting program but I'm sure they will get that figured out.

The club members at Fairchance have stepped up to bring back this range for sanctioned RFBR matches and for that we owe them a big Thank You.

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A Welcomed Change.....I think?

I welcome the challenge Tony, I think? I've always heard on how difficult the range is & want to scratch the itch so to speak. I'm glad its worked out & they're shooting 50/50 again. Fairchance was on my short list a few years ago & feared we may have lost it forever.
Its several hours closer for me which will be welcomed for sure. I hope it is for others as well that may consider attending. That & a new venue give hope to a little larger turnout that we've seen in the recent past.
It talking with Jason last month I believe he was considering a factory class Nationals on one of those days as well, but was still TBD at that time.
Count me in!

Fairchance Rifle range reopened this past weekend for IR 50/50 Unlimited Matches.

Fairchance has a rich history for shooting both Centerfire and Rimfire. It also has a notorious reputation for shooting conditions.

Some call it "Fat Chance" others call it "No Chance".

It is not a flatland, low light range. Matches are shot in broad daylight in a very large valley. No need to bring wind flags. You can use the wind turbines on the hills off to the right of the range. Conditions can vary. I've seen it dead still, and I've seen it raging. But whatever it is you will enjoy the challenge.

All kidding aside, shooting at Fairchance provides an equal opportunity for everyone. Your scores may not be as high as other ranges, but everyone has to deal with what is there at the time. The range has 50 benches. Not likely there will be more than one relay.

The best news for IR 50/50 in a long time is the IR 50/50 Nationals will be held at Fairchance in August 2023. The Sporter Nationals Aug 4., 3-Gun Nationals. Aug.5, and the Unlimited Nationals Aug. 6.

This will be "The IR 50/50 event of the year". Be there or be square.

The opening match this past weekend was very typical for Fairchance. Conditions were average, nothing to complain about, other than the wind, the gusts, the switching, and the nerve wrenching lulls.

The match went off without a hitch. Targets were scored quickly and accurately. There was a problem with the score reporting program but I'm sure they will get that figured out.

The club members at Fairchance have stepped up to bring back this range for sanctioned RFBR matches and for that we owe them a big Thank You.

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Job well done Tony, looks like your batting a 1000 in Pa. so far.

Been by that range numerous times, going to Uniontown, but never worked out to shoot there. Kenny went several years ago, he suggested that if you are going to use flags, make sure to chain them to a deeply driven stake.
Count me in!

Well, more incentive to get our Aug 6th match rescheduled! I enjoyed my first Outdoor Nationals last year, and wanted to do it again, but we have a double list match that weekend. If I can swing a reschedule, I'll be there too. 75 miles closer for me than Bristol.

Well, more incentive to get our Aug 6th match rescheduled! I enjoyed my first Outdoor Nationals last year, and wanted to do it again, but we have a double list match that weekend. If I can swing a reschedule, I'll be there too. 75 miles closer for me than Bristol.


This was my first time last wknd shooting this range. I encourage anyone who shoots this game to try and make a match here. Very nice range. And very well run
Tony, very nice news. No doubt Fairchance can be tough but, IMHO, this is what BR is all about.
Job well done Tony, looks like your batting a 1000 in Pa. so far.

Been by that range numerous times, going to Uniontown, but never worked out to shoot there. Kenny went several years ago, he suggested that if you are going to use flags, make sure to chain them to a deeply driven stake.

Naw, it can be tough, but mostly because it’s big/open and up on a hill.