fairchance pa. unlimited soty match 6/13/2010


Tom C.

target 1
1. tony harper 250 17x
2. gary hittie 248 15x
3. ken rockwell 247 12x

target 2
1. calvin trader 249 9x
2. jim peightal 248 16
3. gary hittie 247 14x

target 3
1. gary hittie 249 11x
2. tony harper 248 19x
3. calvin trader 248 16x

3 gun agg
1. tony harper 745 49x
2. gary hittie 744 40x
3. calvin trader 741 39x

had some gusty, switchy conditions, if it caught you it cost you. reminded me some, of
the psl conditions at times. challenging and frustrating to shoot in.