fairchance gun club results


Tom C.

ir 5050 unlimited had 16 shooters
ul1 mike ferrell 250 17x
jim chrzaszcz 250 14x
john benyo 249 18x

ul2 ken rockwell 249 18x
carl boise 248 16x
calvin trader 248 13x

ul3 mike ferrell 250 18x
carl boise 250 13x
larry roberts 249 11x

agg carl boise 747 42x
mike ferrell 746 51x
tony harper 743 43x
also we're changing our start time to 10 a.m. i asked wilbur to make the
change on the schedule. thanks.
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Tom C. was second in UL1 with a 250 14X. Since he won't pat himself on the back, I will. Congratulations!
we really should congratulate mike ferrell he was doing great i could tell, he
was sitting beside me and i never heard him cuss. carl boise always does well.
ken rockwell's 1st ir5050 match i believe, 1st year shooting good job ken. tony
harper just keeps getting better, along with calvin and larry. me i just wish i
could shoot 2 good targets in a row. thanks mark.

i know you had to be happy. as humble as you are you had to be very pleased with yourself and your rifle. i'm glad to see you doing well this year and i hope you keep it up!!!! with all the praticing you've been doing, and time you spend at the range you deserve to score well. keep up the work. i'm dying to get started next month myself!!! i'll get my ass handed to me, but it'll be alot of fun i'm sure!!!
someone said he might come but he didn't. they said he would be back
we'll see. a pretty good fellow. i think he's shooting bottle cap match's though.