Fail to Fire (FTF)


Well-known member
Fail to fire (FTFs) have been a problem for many especially since the crescent firing pins have been around.

At the IR 50/50 Nationals J. Mohr showed me a problem he was having with new Eley. This is completely unrelated to the crescent firing pins.

In the pics below one shows the strike from a chisel pin, another the inside of the case where the strike occurred, and finally the powder and primer mixture that was knocked loose by the firing pin strike.

Many conclusions can be drawn from these pics but one thing for sure when FTFs happen they can put you right off your game.

eley firing pin strike.jpeg



Three years ago I was getting quite a few FTF’s. Hits looked fine but when removing the lead it revealed that it was just knocking chunks of primer out.
Two years ago bought a lot that would not chamber in my sporter as well as others.
A friend last year had issues with FTF’ with 10x as well as extraction problems.
So now I fail to buy Eley. Too bad as it’s actually out there to test.
Squib Rounds

I've had several Squib Rounds, that resulted in Ringing the barrel. After the third barrel, I quit using that Brand. Most FTF's are are the result of the trigger not being adjusted properly.
Here lately, I've worked on several common rimfires (not target rifles) with FTF problems, and with different brands of ammo. Maybe ammo is worse than it once was, I don't know.
Failure to fire

Only failure to fire I've had were Remington, including pistols in competition. BUT, with Eley in past years, I've had POOF or Boom and it didn't help scores.
Old Lapua was most consistent, then not so good but lately seems better.
Saving some of the old Federal for one gun, still shoots great.