Faecesbook is bullying Australia


New member
The mighty feacesbook has decided to bully Australians by cutting off access to all news outlets in Australia because our journalists and news outlets asked them to pay a fair price for the news that they stole just to promote the bankroll of Mark Sukkerberg.

So now all emergency bushfire, floods, storm, domestic violence and other vital links have been shut down.

This despicable action has been implemented by a greedy organisation that sucks up all your personal data to onsell it to advertisers who can discover what you eat, purchase and even your mobile phone data. Here are a few alternatives https://makeawebsitehub.com/facebook-alternatives/

Please consider dumping this invasive leech into your private life.

* doggie * {piss*d off in Australia - Your allies from down under)
Time to unload your shares as the price is about to plummet down.

Australians hate bullies but we shoot straight.

My apologies for bringing up this topic on this thread but I plan to tell the world about the greedy data-leech that farcebook actually is.

* doggie *
The comment going around here in Australia at the moment is:

How do you spell Zuckerberg with out u, t, c & n?
The comment going around here in Australia at the moment is:

How do you spell Zuckerberg with out u, t, c & n?

Well John, as another victim, you would know what I'm talking about mate.

Time to call out the bullies and take action.

I served 33 years as a digger and often alongside U,S. Marines so learned how not to take crap from a bully.

* doggie *
Seems as though too many people with too much money crave too much power.

The freedom of speech is becoming the loser.
I think that many of us on this side of the pond are also

Thank you.

It is time to control these data leeches that sell your personal info such as : Name, address, mobile number, location, mobile phone contacts, friends, photos and websites clicked on to advertisers just to take our privacy away all for the mighty $$$.$$$.$$$ (add your own zeros)

Enough is enough and I have had a gutfull. Time to fight back.

* doggie *
Best way to fight Facebook is by contacting all of the sites Sponcer's and clearly Stating I will no longer do any business with you. Without them Facebook could no longer survive and the more advertisers one can take off of the site the more money they will loose. By just removing one it is a big hit to their income and even more so if one of their major money providers drops out. We could do it if we all sticked together and did it one by one.

Best way to fight Facebook is by contacting all of the sites Sponcer's and clearly Stating I will no longer do any business with you. Without them Facebook could no longer survive and the more advertisers one can take off of the site the more money they will loose. By just removing one it is a big hit to their income and even more so if one of their major money providers drops out. We could do it if we all sticked together and did it one by one.

What Louis.J said
In our Cancel Culture society here in the US & abroad-

Best way to fight Facebook is by contacting all of the sites Sponcer's and clearly Stating I will no longer do any business with you. Without them Facebook could no longer survive and the more advertisers one can take off of the site the more money they will loose. By just removing one it is a big hit to their income and even more so if one of their major money providers drops out. We could do it if we all sticked together and did it one by one.

The Australian Government agrees, they just pulled all their facebook advertising and other large (and small) businesses are being pressured to do likewise.

Even my local fishing tackle store has agreed to pull their ads after complaints by customers, myself included.

* doggie *
Wow God Bless Australia! Now to get everyone to join in and they won't last very long and would soon be gone and more than extremely well deserved!
I dumped my facebook account after the election, I couldn't take their socialist BS anymore. I try to make sure these people can't make money off of me.

always steadfastly refused to open a fb account. My wife loves it. My job is to insure she does not include any of my info in her posts. Zuckerberg and FB can KMA!!
The wife has face book to keep in contact with the kids. Especially the one that NEVER calls.
Her DOB is something like 1900?;)