Factory Class

To interject just a little precision, there were over 2,000 views, not posts.

Yes, I know. A *view* expresses interest; that's the point. After two years of attendance dropping, "new shooters" is the mantra. Been my observation that internet *posts*, let alone *views*, don't transfer into *benchrest shooters.*

But what do I know? So I'm not going to try & argue for some common sense in any direct fashion. Still, how about this: If you add it to NBRSA/IBS formally, make is self-expiring in 5 years. Self-expiring means that extending it will take as much work & approval as getting it established in the first place, rather than simply casting a "yeah, let's extend it" vote. Otherwise, we wind up with a class similar to the one established for those who didn't want to compete against the dominant .22 . . .