Facebook in discussion to ban all pro gun posts

Face book in discussion to bad all pro gun posts

It looks like they are bowing to pressure. I read the article seems like gun sales were going thru person to person out of state by minors. NO forms.etc.
I can see them moderating those post and deleting posts that are against the current laws,{even though i hate them}
Bowing to those other groups is something else. I can see kids talking about shooting sports or hunting though.
They should take another look before they decide. Then there's the would be handgun a kid had in school. wonder what that was about.
A little here, a little there, and poof....................big brother will be running the internet...............it ain't funny....
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I can't blame facebook, they're just reacting to what the market wants IMO people WANT THIS! I know plenty of people that are unconcerned about the NSA thing, unconcerned about our "rights" as they call them. They're like mewling children, no clue re consequences, zero grasp of historical significance. Fug'geddabout "a little here, a little there"......the children voting for Wuh'BAMMY twice is what's really not funny.......Big Bro is everyman's friend!

This says it better than I can......

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President.”

Good one Al! But its alright for our Government to arm all the other Country's but Disarm or Country. What a joke!

Joe Salt
AMEN!!! Joe

Good one Al! But its alright for our Government to arm all the other Country's but Disarm or Country. What a joke!

Joe Salt
You are right Joe and our own Government can call of us that served in the Military (overseas) Domestic Terrorist to!! That made me mad as many others to, I served over 26 years and got me 3 tours overseas to!!

YBRF! Rambo
Sooo, MY JOB as I see it is to present myself to my fellow man as a man, as an adult MAN. A nice, likable, passionate, happy adult man capable of making solid decisions for the good of humanity as a whole.

Who likes guns.....

My fellow man, my fellow voter is more important in the long term than the guy in office because only HE, the voter can really effect change. Right now my fellow voter wants to "be more like Europe."

My job is to show him something better. My forebears LEFT Europe to come here....and they were men.

And there are still a few out there, men, but they're scarcer than before. And what scares me most of all is OLD stupid people. I revere older folk and when they in their wisdom vote for "hope and change" it worries me. We've been far too fat for far too long, the Great Ones are leaving us.

But the newest crop of smart kids coming out of school to face a desolate landscape of dashed dreams and farspread opportunities do give me hope.

They may be the new Realists.

And they are BRIGHT,

may they vote well :)

And like guns......

And have them.

OK, lets consider this. Next election push for and support candidates that will agree to do away with GCA 68. All GCA 68 did was cost honest law abiding citizens loss of more freedoms. The law did nothing to reduce crime or take guns away from the bad elements.

Like 911, the killing of JFK was just an excuse to implement another anti-American agenda.
Face book in discussion to bad all pro gun posts

The long arm of the ATF is always at work. They set traps with the CGA of 68.
Its the law of the land until it is repealed. I remember when it was just the treasury dept collecting Taxes.

Both political party's are responsible.
First I would like to thank Rambo for his service to this Country! Al I'm an old fella but I didn't vote for him. And for our wonderful ATF whom I see on the news have left their GUNS on top of there cars and drove off or had them stolen. Yes Gerry our Forefathers came here for freedom of Religion and no taxes, another joke!

Joe Salt
Face book in discussion to bad all pro gun posts

Heres a story[ example that really happened.
This is before the new laws passed here in New York.
A person related to me had an AR 15 that he used for recreation He smithed it to lighten up the trigger pull {colt with a 12 lb pull}
The trigger was down to a healthy 2 lbs , just right for off hand shooting.

Once in a while it would double. [Garands also do that when they are hot ]
He decided to quit that type of shooting , after awhile he decided to sell that firearm.
A would be friend of his was visiting him at his home and asked about the AR he had for sale.
He said yes its for sale if you want it, He warned him about that firearm doubling at times[ when hot} .

Time went by and the person returned with a friend The would be friends pal asked about the AR that he had for sale.
The person selling the firearm told him that it would double once in a while. That's ok the guy said.

A week later that person returned Mad and saying that rifle wasn't fully automatic"""
He demanded that the person selling that rifle make it be fully automatic. The person who sold the firearm was threatened

He said here i'll take the rifle back if you don't want it here,s your $$$$$
The guy left later he returned and arrested the seller Trying to claim he was selling fully auto AR 15,s TRUE STORY PS his friend was an informant for local police and the buyer an agent of ATF
Just one of the many reasons I closed my over-share time-suck account.